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Show-Me State Games Officially Begin


The Show-Me State Games, a beloved annual event in Missouri, kicked off its 40th edition with a spectacular opening ceremony and torch lighting at Mizzou Arena in Columbia.

Why it matters: The games, organized by the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Health and hosted by the University of Missouri, bring together athletes from across the state to compete in various sports, promoting fitness and healthy living.

The details:

  • The event features over 40 sports, including tennis, baseball, martial arts, and archery.
  • Participants range from 12-year-old kids to 80-year-old grandparents, showcasing the inclusive nature of the games.
  • The games take place over two weekends, from July 19-21 and July 26-28, at various locations in Columbia.
  • Entry fees for participants generally range from $30-$40, and they are required to bring their own equipment.

The opening ceremony was a grand affair, with athletes and coaches waiting in the tunnels before making their entrance into the arena, cheered on by family, friends, and supporters.

What they’re saying:

  • “The unique thing about the Games is it doesn’t make a difference what the sport is — it’s just an opportunity to engage in that community of health fitness,” said Dave Fox, director of the Show-Me State Games.
  • “We always pride ourselves on being a great community event for the city of Columbia, and so any kind of help we can get is fantastic,” noted Bruce Ungles, the assistant director of the Show-Me State Games, highlighting the importance of volunteers.

The O’Neill family, boasting three generations of participants, had the honor of carrying out the torch during the ceremony, marking the official start of the games.

What’s next: The games will continue throughout the weekend and resume next weekend, showcasing the skills and sportsmanship of athletes from across Missouri.

Full story

The 40th annual Show-Me State Games kicked off its first weekend of competition on Friday in Columbia, Missouri. Athletes from across the state gathered to participate in a variety of sports, ranging from tennis and baseball to martial arts and archery. The games, organized by the Governor’s Council on Physical Fitness and Health and hosted by the University of Missouri, aim to promote fitness and healthy living among Missourians.

Participants of all ages and skill levels are welcome to compete, with entry fees generally ranging from $30 to $40. Bruce Ungles, the assistant director of the Show-Me State Games, emphasized the importance of volunteers in making the event a success. “We always pride ourselves on being a great community event for the city of Columbia, and so any kind of help we can get is fantastic,” Ungles said.

Ungles, who has been involved with the games for 35 years, noted that the appeal of the event goes beyond just athletic competition.

showcasing Missouriʹs athletic unity

“We may have a 12-year-old kid swimming against an 80-year-old grandparent,” he said.

“There are so many great heartwarming stories about athletes who are overcoming something.”

The games will be held at various locations throughout Columbia, including local parks, sports facilities, and schools. The opening ceremony took place on Friday night at Mizzou Arena, marking the official start of the competition. The Show-Me State Games will continue next weekend, from July 26-28.

Participants and attendees can visit the official website for more details on event schedules and locations. As the games unfold, athletes will showcase their skills and sportsmanship, while the community comes together to celebrate fitness and healthy living. The Show-Me State Games serve as a testament to the power of sports in bringing people together and fostering a sense of camaraderie and achievement.

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  • ColumbiaMissourian.”Let the Games begin: Show-Me State Games open with torch lighting”.
  • Komu.”40th annual Show-Me State Games kicks off first weekend”.
  • ColumbiaMissourian.”Athletes and coaches wait in the tunnels”.

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